Sunday, March 1, 2020

5 Essential Aspects of a History Personal Statement What Do Admission Officers Expect

5 Essential Aspects of a History Personal Statement What Do Admission Officers Expect 5 Essential Aspects of a History Personal Statement: What Do Admission Officers Expect? What do you think a journalist, Louis Theroux, a TV presenter, Jonathan Ross, and the Prince Charles have in common? Just looking at the article’s title, you’ll ask all of them, like me, need to write a personal statement on History? To some extent, you’re right. But it is unknown whether they had to write personal statements, especially Prince Charles. In fact, these famous people have a History degree as it is mentioned in the list of Top 10 Celebrities with History Degrees. So, how to become an outstanding historian? For a start, write a successful admission essay to start studying at the top universities in the world that are presented by the World University Rankings. According to the Telegraph, History is the 10th popular subject. This fact creates fierce competition between students. As such, when you apply to university, devote all the efforts to your personal statement, besides GPA that is not less important as well. Keep in mind that you only have one chance to impress the admission committee. As a rule, a mediocre piece of writing ruins the entire application. 1.   Reasons for Studying History Much like any other subject, your History statement has to clearly highlight your reasons why you choose History. It is advised to list current sources of inspiration and to avoid telling trivial past tales that don’t accurately represent your interest in the subject. 2.   Engagement with History In your personal statement show how you love the subject. For example, you can include one or two historical topics that you find interesting. If you conducted your own research on these topics, you could be of great value. Besides, think of history books you most enjoy reading or what historical sites you visit often. 3.   Crucial Experience that Led to Your Choice This goes beyond stating that you passed History at school. What is your personal experience that connected you with History? Whether it is a life-changing visit to a museum or extensive reading, you need to not only describe your experience in as much detail as possible but you also need to explain how it influenced. 4.   Individuality A personal statement is supposed to reveal an author who wrote it. Think of the qualities that would make you different from other applicants. You should convince an admission officer that you are the most appropriate student. Dr Alice Taylor, an admissions tutor, explains what qualities are expected from a potential History student fluency in writing, an interest in reading and curiosity. You can recollect your childhood moments when you asked questions about how and why things happened. If you were such a child and continue to explore this world as before, tell it in your personal statement. 5.   Originality It means you shouldn’t use the standard phrase library in your personal statement, a kind of â€Å"I have passion for history†. Imagine how many hundreds of essays are read by admission officers where a student asserts he or she has a passion for history. Instead, describe what you’re going to do with a History degree in the future in such a way as to show your passion for what you will do. At American Historical Association, you can observe what careers you can pursue. Overall, a History personal statement serves as more than a description of your interest in the subject but as a gateway into your promising future. After you gained an insight into the keys of writing an admission essay, your chances to be enrolled to a university have increased. Moreover, our experienced specialists, who have professional skills in writing History personal statements, can maximize your chances of success by providing you with the best personal statement samples.

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