Monday, November 25, 2019

Cadbury Gorilla Ad Analysis Essays

Cadbury Gorilla Ad Analysis Essays Cadbury Gorilla Ad Analysis Paper Cadbury Gorilla Ad Analysis Paper Anuj Kwatra – U110009 Hitesh Agarwal – U110024 History of the Ad Gorilla Ad is a British advertising campaign launched by Cadbury Schweppes in 2007 to promote Cadbury Dairy Milk-brand chocolate. It was a 90-second television and cinema advertisement, which formed the centre piece of their new ad campaign. It was created and directed by Juan Cabral and starred actor Garon Michael. The campaign itself comprised appearances on billboards, print newspapers and magazines, television and cinema spots, event sponsorships and an internet presence. The entire campaign was handled by the advertising agency Fallon London. Their proposal was to step away from â€Å"push† marketing of the product through traditional advertising means, and instead create a â€Å"pull† for the product by creating entertainment pieces which would appeal to a broader range of consumers The television premiere of the advertisement was on Friday 31 August 2007, during the finale of the eighth series of the United Kingdom reality television show Big Brother. The Gorilla commercial scored by generating high noticeability ratings wherever it was screened on television and this generated huge downloads on the web. Prior to the release of the Gorilla movie Cadbury was having a poor season. Sales were down because of certain PR and other issues that affected the quality of the product, which resulted in the brand dropping in top-of-mind awareness and sales. Analysis of Ad based on Emotional Preferences Parameters 1. Seeing, Hearing and Sensing The ad has a backdrop of Purple colour with golden line. This matched with the packaging colouring scheme of the Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) Chocolates. Also it has a lot of musical instruments in the ad. It shows a studio. So whenever a visual sees a set of drum or other musical instruments, it would remind him of this ad, and would intern reflect the joy that CDM could provide. The music used in the ad is to attract the auditory people. It is very slow, rhythmic and measured to grad their attention. The sound of drums is used to create the recall of the ad for them. The ad seemed to target majoring of the people belonging to this emotional preference as the idea of using the product metaphor that Chocolate is about joy and pleasure†. It starts with a soothing sound followed by close up on the gorilla. It shows that the gorilla is breathing as if in a stance. It is feeling something calming and fulfilling. Also the lyrics of the song (I can feel in the air tonight, oh lord. ) reflects feelings. Thus anytime a feeling of joy is there in an individual it would create a recall for the product. 2. People, Places, Activities, Knowledge and Things This ad reflects that when a gorilla can have an experience of delight then anyone who wishes to have to experience ecstasy can consume CDM. Thus this ad doesn’t focus much on â€Å"people† preference of an individual. As chocolate is an impulse purchase and location doesn’t play a role in the buying decision, place preference is not catered. The gorilla is shown to be banging the drums with a lot of energy. This is done to target the activity oriented people. They are generally high on energy and look for things that are enjoyable. The ad also by showing the CDM product only at the end creates an interest level which targets people looking for an intellectual activity. As chocolate is an impulse purchase, not much of involvement is required from the customer. So knowledge plays an insignificant role in purchase. Hence knowledge preference is not addressed in the ad. The gorilla in the ad seems to have a deep association with drums. This addresses to the people with things filter. It shows to them the CDM can provide them the same kind of fulfilment that they get from the things they like. 3. Away from and Towards. The ad clearly shows the amount of pleasure gorilla gets from CDM. Thus it directly addresses to the people belonging to towards preference as they have a tendency to seek pleasure in whatever they buy. The people belonging to the away preference are quite procedural. However the ad doesn’t show any reference to procedural or pattern based purchase. Thus this preference is not addressed. 4. Internal and External. The chocolate consumption is more about self satisfaction. Hence external preference is not addressed. On the other hand, the gorilla is shown to be enjoying his own company. This addresses to the people with internal preference as it shows to them the kind of satisfaction they can get for themselves from CDM. 5. Options and Procedures Gorilla is shown to be the new face of CDM. This is something very new and innovative. Moreover, the gorilla is initially just sitting there almost in a trance when it starts playing the drums almost spontaneously. This would address to people with options preference who by nature are spontaneous and look for new things. The people with procedure preference tend to follow a consistent routine or buying procedure. The ad doesn’t show any such routine and thus doesn’t address such people. 6. Big Picture and Details The ad is very abstract in a way that direct product consumption is nowhere shown. Infact the product is shown only in the end. Thus it only projects the big picture in a metaphorical sense that CDM consumption can bring extreme pleasure. This addresses to the people with big picture filter. However not much detail is shown in the ad, thus people with detail filter are not addressed. 7. Active and Passive The ad initially shows that the gorilla is relaxed and is waiting for something to happen. This part grasps the attention of the people having passive filter. Then suddenly he gets stimulated and starts drumming. Moreover, he is bouncing with energy while drumming. This part targets people with active filter. 8. Response to change The ad is a totally new concept with a gorilla as its lead. Surprisingly no words used in it to promote the product. Moreover, the product is nowhere shown directly in the ad. It is very different from any other ad. Thus the ad is a treat for people with difference filter while ignores people with sameness filter. The ad shows gradual change in the mood of the gorilla. Initially it is calm and relaxed. Then it enjoys the feeling of pleasure and moves on to feel the energy. This occasional change of feelings at a normal pace adheres to people with progress filter. 9. Past, Present and Future. The ad uses a song (In the air tonight, by Phil Collins) that was composed in 1981. It was a big hit then. Thus people with past filter can relate to this song and will thus relate to CDM. The gorilla shown in the ad is both active and spontaneous. He seems to be enjoying the moment. These traits are in sync with people having present filter. The ad concept is very imaginative as it shows a gorilla enjoying music and playing drums. Moreover it generates a sense of anticipation in the viewer’s mind as to what would be coming next. These characteristics of the ad address to the people with future filter.

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